Earlobe Repair in Chicago, IL | Restore Your Earlobes

Why do we love it?

Earlobe repair is a cosmetic procedure that repairs earlobes that have been torn or stretched due to trauma, heavy earrings, or gauges. The procedure involves removing the damaged tissue and suturing the edges of the tear together, creating a more aesthetically pleasing and functional earlobe.

Earlobe repair is a cosmetic procedure that repairs earlobes that have been torn or stretched due to trauma, heavy earrings, or gauges. The procedure involves removing the damaged tissue and suturing the edges of the tear together, creating a more aesthetically pleasing and functional earlobe.

Refine your look with Earlobe Repair at Fulcrum Aesthetics, where we embody the Chicago aesthetic of meticulous care and sophisticated results in Chicago, IL. Specializing in the restoration of earlobes affected by injury, stretching, or wear from heavy earrings, our procedure rejuvenates your earlobes, ensuring a natural, aesthetically pleasing shape. This subtle yet impactful treatment reflects the precision and elegance synonymous with Chicago's beauty standards, offering a solution that enhances your overall appearance with minimal downtime. Choose Fulcrum Aesthetics for an earlobe repair that seamlessly blends with your innate elegance, celebrating the refined aesthetic of Chicago.


$1,500 - $4,300


1 week discomfort, 2 weeks swelling, 6 weeks incisional healing, 2 years final scar healing
Give us a call (773)799-8664

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an ideal candidate for earlobe repair?
What is the recovery time for earlobe repair?
How long do the results of earlobe repair last?
Can I re-pierce my ears after earlobe repair?

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